The characters

In order of appearance:

Andy Derry: Failed British journalist migrating in search of a cheaper life.

Dying Man: Nobody knows his name, but his last word is "Nikoletta."

Christos Kritidis: Not what he seems, and he seems all right.

Mr. Giannakis: Terrifying building administrator, possibly a thousand years old.

Nikoletta Triantafillidou: Successful Greek journalist staying in London at all costs.

Emma Wahl: Idealistic German theatre-maker.

Freddy: Confidence trickster, cat.

Andreas Vlachos: Bored but clever teenager.

Michalis Bajrami: Devoted father, passable tradesman, awful neighbour.

Reza Azadi: Police investigator in Kabul, refugee in Athens. An eye for faces.

Maryam Azadi: Currently a depressed bereaved mother, once something else.

Mrs. Roussou: Kind but vague lady, even older than Mr. Giannakis.

Nikoletta Anastopoulou: Mysterious surviving member of one of the building's founding families, Emma's ill-advised love-interest.

Dr. Ioannidou: Dignified woman who comes down from the village to keep an eye on Mrs. Roussou.

With these ingredients, the plot thickens.